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Promotie: Convertizor frecventa MONOFAZAT de 2,2kW
Promotie: Convertizor frecventa MONOFAZAT de 2,2kWAnunt: Convertizor frecventa MONOFAZAT de 2,2kW

Convertizor frecventa MONOFAZAT de 2,2kW

Pret Normal: 1 022,00 RON
Pret Redus: 769,00 RON
Durata Promotie: 19.03.09 - 30.04.09

Denumire Firma: SC SIEI Power Est SRL
Adresa: Bucuresti, Bucuresti, Anastasie Panu, Nr20
Tel: click aici0314052900
Prezentare oferta: V/f inverter, 2,2kW
* Power supply: 115-230V 1ph and
* Motor ratings from 0.4kW (0.5Hp) to 3.7kW (5.0Hp)
* Certifications: CE, UL and cUL

- Regulation control mode: SPWM (Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation) control (V/f control)
- Output frequency: 0.1 ~ 600Hz
- EMC Filter integrated (for models 230V 1-phase and 460V 3-phase)
- RFI-switch for IT mains
- Torque Characteristics: starting torque can be 150% at 5.0Hz
- Overload Endurance: 150% of rated current for 1 minute
- Accel/Decel Time: 0.1 to 600 seconds (2 Independent settings for Accel/Decel time)
- DC Braking: Operation frequency 0.1-600.0Hz, output 0-100% rated current Start time 0-60 seconds, stop time 0-60 seconds
- 1 Analogue Inputs (0-10V/4-20mA)
- 1 Multifunction Analogue Outputs (0-10V)
- 6 Digital Inputs (PNP / NPN)
- 1 Relay Outputs, form C/change-over contact
- Keypad included (6-key, 7-segment LED with 4-digit, 4 status LEDs, master frequency, output frequency, output current, custom units, parameter values for setup and lock, faults, RUN, STOP, RESET, FWD/REV)
- RS-485 communication interface (RJ-45) with Modbus protocol
- Interfacing with the more common field bus: ProfiBus, CANopen, DeviceNet, and LonWorks (optional modules)
- Easy DC BUS sharing
- IP20 protection degree