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Promotie: Isocyanuric acid
Promotie: Isocyanuric acidAnunt: Isocyanuric acid

Isocyanuric acid

Pret Normal: 900,00 RON
Pret Redus: 800,00 RON
Durata Promotie: 14.02.11 - 14.03.11

Denumire Firma: puyang qianruida chemical company ltd
Adresa: Harghita, puyang, huagongyi road
Tel: click aici00863938937108
Prezentare oferta: used in the making of bromide, chloride,hydriodic chemicals, salts and esters of Cyanuric acid; mainly used in the synthesis of disinfectant, water treatment agent, bleaching agent, chlorating agent, brominating agent, antioxidant, paint coating, selective herbicide, buffer, chlorine stabilizer, nylon, plastic, polyester fire retardant, cosmetic additive and resin.