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Promotie: Ghost eyes bubble gum
Promotie: Ghost eyes bubble gumAnunt: Ghost eyes bubble gum

Ghost eyes bubble gum

Pret Normal: 11,00 RON
Pret Redus: 9,00 RON
Durata Promotie: 12.10.11 - 12.11.11

Denumire Firma: Stock Park Ltd
Adresa: Altele, Budapesta, 1212 Budapest, Dunadulo ut 41
Tel: click aici+36707029312
Prezentare oferta: Ghost eyes bubble gum
Packaging: 150 pcs/jar, 12 jars/carton, 50 cartons/pallet
Weight: 4 g/pcs
Size of product in cm: 6,5x3x1 cm
Jar sizes: 21x14x12 cm
Expiry date: 2012.12.20.
Place of origin: China
Information: 4 flavours mixed in jar
Price: 0,021 euro/pcs EXW Budapest